Friday, December 6, 2013

Ice Experiment Challenge

On Thursday afternoon I challenged the students to try an ice experiment at home, knowing we were going to have below freezing temperatures for several days. All I said was put a cup of water outside overnight and observe what happens.

Here is how Alex's experiment turned out:

Alex's Ice Experiment
Thanks for sharing the photograph Alex! 

Katelyn also posted a comment on her Blog about the experiment. 
Here is what she said:
"My cup of water got a layer of ice on top but the bottom was still water."

This is Katelyn's experiment:

Katelyn's Ice Experiment

Below is Mayah's Ice Experiment

Her mom said they discussed how the freezing temperature
changes liquids into solids. 
Fabulous talking point!

Mayah's Ice Experiment
Mayah's Ice Experiment
Carys' BLOG comment:
I went outside & there was iceacels everywhere even on my tree!
it was so fun on my roof there was snow everywhere!

Yousef's BLOG comment: 
When my brother got the frozen cup from the porch, all the sides had ice on it and it was epic! And the water in the inside was frozen but very easy to brake. Ice in the inside sides were falling in the cup and that is what was making it so bumpy.

Sean's BLOG comment:
when i pot the water out it was frozon

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